Drug Testing on Arrest Devices


Drugs Testing on Arrest is supporting Government Strategy and was first adopted in 2003/04 and with further support regenerated and invigorated in 2022. The use of Drugs Testing on Arrest Devices (DTOA-D) relates to measures introduced in the Drugs Act 2005 (“the Act”) in respect of those aged eighteen or over.

The programmes principal focus is to reduce drug-related crime by engaging with drug users earlier in their contact with the criminal justice system and steering them into appropriate treatment and support, and other help programmes.


Scope of contract

The legislation only allows taking a sample “for the purpose of ascertaining whether he/she/they has any specified Class A drug in their body” [PACE s63B (1)]. 

The DTOA-D therefore offered by Suppliers must be able to detect the following target drugs and these and the reliable markers of their presence (metabolites) currently specified under the Drugs Act 2005 (“the Act”)

  • Diamorphine (metabolite 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM))
  • Cocaine (metabolite benzoylecgonine (BZE))

No other substance should be assessed for. Changes in the legislation would be required before further drugs not already specified under the Act can be added.

In addition to the drugs testing devices also in scope is:

  • Training & technical support for the DTOA-D offered (services)
  • Where required, any annual maintenance service on re-usable handheld devices (equipment) provided along with any periodic calibration tests and any repair services on equipment required by the Contracting Authority (services)
  • Analytical laboratory services for confirmation of DTOA-D results (service)


Access the framework

Current compliant route to market is via NHS Supply Chain, click here to visit.

Future National Police Contract to be implemented.


Get in touch

For support with DTOA-D contact:

Barbara Smedley

Senior Commercial Manager

Click here to send email

Forensic Services

Our experienced, specialist team work with forces to support forensic procurement and co-ordinate the national forensics procurement pipeline. We work to ensure the supply of necessary services and equipment are compliant and fit for the purpose intended throughout the life of any Call-Off Contract