Mobile Preliminary Roads Drug Testing Devices DPS


A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) has been created for Mobile Preliminary Roads Drug Testing Devices (MPRDTD) and their associated consumables, equipment, and accessories (Goods).

The aim is to investigate and prosecute driving and misuse of drugs, one more step to keep the roads and our communities safer.


Scope of contract

The device can be either:

  • Lot 1 - Unpowered MPRDTD single use disposable test cartridges
  • Lot 2 - Powered MPRDTD re-usable handheld devices with cartridges

Both are used to detect the presence of a specified drug or drug group in a sample of saliva and to provide an indication of the presence of the target drugs. The drug test can be administered either at the roadside or in hospital or at a police custody station or elsewhere.

Also included in scope is the offer of training & technical support on the MPRDTD and where required under the specific Lot 2 any annual maintenance service on re-usable handheld devices (equipment) provided along with any periodic calibration tests and any repair services on equipment that is advised (services).

The drug testing devices must be able to detect the target drugs specified under the Road Traffic Act 1988:

  • Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (the main active ingredient of cannabis)
  • Cocaine

If the result is positive, the suspect can be arrested, and an evidential specimen of blood can be taken at a police station.


DPS details

Contract title:      Mobile Preliminary Roads Drug Testing Devices (MPRDTD), and associated

Reference:           51346-FCN00004

Contract term:     31/07/2022 to 30/05/2027

Review date:        04/04/2024

The estimated value over the life of the DPS is between £8,000,000 to £10,000,000.


Access the framework

For call-off contract documents click here to visit the BLPD2 website, the BLPD unique ID is 28098.


Get in touch

For support with MPRDTD contact:

Barbara Smedley

Senior Commercial Manager

Click here to send email

Forensic Services

Our experienced, specialist team work with forces to support forensic procurement and co-ordinate the national forensics procurement pipeline. We work to ensure the supply of necessary services and equipment are compliant and fit for the purpose intended throughout the life of any Call-Off Contract