National Scenes of Crime Consumables and Services


We work with and support a national network of forensic specialists and other key stakeholders to influence and engage in the development and innovation of “consumables” and related services for the collection of forensic samples for analysis, ultimately supporting the development of police investigations and final case file submissions for CPS in the CJS arena.

The NSOCC Framework was commissioned by West Mercia Police & Crime Commissioner, novated to Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner in 2020, and finally novated to BlueLight Commercial in March 2023.


Scope of contract

This framework offers a single supplier award, for a national core-price list and off-core list of forensic consumables and forensics medical kits, and much more.

The framework ensures the consumables and medical kits follow ISO 18385 and PAS 377:2023 standards where necessary and where appropriate need to follow the Forensic Science Regulators Codes of Practice (ACT).

The range of products and services within the framework are:

  • Consumables, equipment & chemicals for use by public authorities to support the investigation of crime, Police forensic laboratories, SARC units and Police Custody locations
  • Medical, laboratory consumables and equipment
  • Ad-hoc requirements within the field of forensics consumables, products or equipment, chemicals
  • Assembly of specific kits such as Forensic Medical Kits and Road Traffic Accident Kits

In addition, Fire & Rescue, MOJ Prisons and MOD Army and NHS Trusts use the police NSOCC framework.


Contract details

Contract title:      National Scenes of Crime Consumables (NSOCC)

Reference:           10670

Contract term:     July 2020 to June 2024

Review date:        Re-tender project underway


Access the framework

For more information and to access the framework, please contact Barbara Smedley.


Get in touch

For support with NSOCC contact:

Barbara Smedley

Senior Commercial Manager

Click here to send email

Forensic Services

Our experienced, specialist team work with forces to support forensic procurement and co-ordinate the national forensics procurement pipeline. We work to ensure the supply of necessary services and equipment are compliant and fit for the purpose intended throughout the life of any Call-Off Contract