Physical Forensic Services Dynamic Purchasing System


The Physical Forensic Services Dynamic Purchasing System (PF DPS) is available to police forces and law enforcement agencies to tender their physical forensic service requirements.

The Next Generation Procurement (NGP) Physical Forensics Services Dynamic Purchasing System was created in collaboration with the Forensic Capability Network, in consultation with force SME, FSPs and other key stakeholders.

The aim of the NGP is to deliver a collaborative approach to the next generation of traditional, physical forensic services such as: toxicology; DNA analysis; drug testing; ecology; and crime stain analysis.

The NGP delivers a nationally standardised specification and terms and conditions to build a cohesive agile marketplace environment, where there is opportunity for service delivery and to seek greater clarity and transparency on capacity of the current and future needs of policing and the criminal justice system.

Through the NGP pipeline we support forces undertaking their mini-competitions offering advice and guidance and the management of their tenders, ensuring delivery of value for money for policing

Throughout the life of the DPS and Call-Off Contracts we will support where required both forces and suppliers through embedding a culture of collaborative working partnerships.


Access the framework

For more information and to access the framework email our forensics team (


Get in touch

For support with the PF DPS email our forensics team(

Forensic Services

Our experienced, specialist team work with forces to support forensic procurement and co-ordinate the national forensics procurement pipeline. We work to ensure the supply of necessary services and equipment are compliant and fit for the purpose intended throughout the life of any Call-Off Contract