Income generation activities vary across forces with differing rates charged and variations in the application of national guidance and legislation. Not only is there is an opportunity to minimise duplication but also to realise additional benefits through a national approach to income generation and cost recovery.
BlueLight Commercial’s Revenue Generation team can help optimise force income and cost recovery through the sharing of good practice and ideas, benchmarking data and costs, driving consistency, improving collaboration across forces, enabling local solutions, identifying and reducing contract leakage, building local capability to deliver revenue opportunities, and developing a centre of excellence for all income generation resources.
The team work in collaboration with income generation officers, finance managers, key operational and front-line managers to support income generation and cost recovery.
Key areas of activity include:
Bluelight Commercial chair a quarterly PolFIG meeting, which currently has representatives from 35 forces. This meeting provides an opportunity to share the latest developments, ideas and activity across revenue workstreams.
BlueLight Commercial chairs the national commercial and finance group with representation from all forces across the UK that manage commercial arrangements for policing at airports.
We can provide consultancy support to members in several areas such as deep dive inspections, contract and costing guidance, contract negotiation, and income category plans, to name a few.
BlueLight Commercial have published 20 contract templates and the team can support the utilisation and implementation of these contracts where appropriate to improve cost recovery and reduce risks. Available contract templates include:
To find out more about how we can help you to optimise income and cost recovery or to join the revenue groups we chair please email