Language Services


Using a BlueLight Commercial framework is a ready-made solution, saving both time and money as we have already carried out due diligence and supplier negotiation. This means customers get best value through our centralised buying power and can be reassured all suppliers, and products, will comply with required legislative and technical standards. Rigorous operational testing has been carried out to enable customers to buy with confidence.

We maintain the strategic relationships with suppliers, whilst the customer maintains control of operational contract management. We will oversee the implementation and onboarding of the contract, act as a single point of contact and provide an escalation route for any performance issues.


Scope of contract

This is a 7 year Dynamic Purchasing Solution (DPS) bespoke for the UK Police Service, covering Face to Face, Translation, Telephone, British Sign Language (BSL), Remote Interpreting and has a managed service option for all requirements under one solution. 

As part of the framework development, a  new system called PAIT has been launched. The PAIT system seeks to provide a national database, supported by the regulation of interpreters and translators for all the police services of England and Wales.  

It provides consistency across the UK in the regulation of those interpreters and translators who undertake work for police services. PAIT provides a layer of reassurance that those assisting the police with investigations or collecting evidence from limited or non-English speakers by stating the qualifications, vetting and experience required​.


Contract details

Contract title:       DPS Agreement for the Provision of Language Services 

Contract term:     14/09/2020 to 15/09/2027

Review Date:         September 2027    


Supplier Details

There are 6 overarching Lots on the Police DPS for Language Services. The suppliers that have qualified for each Lot are detailed below together with those suppliers that have also qualified for Regional Lots under Lot 1 Face to Face, Lot 2 Translation/Transcription, Lot 4 BSL and Lot 6 Managed service.  


Lot 1: Face to Face Lot 2: Translation and Transcription Lot 3: Telephone
    • Cintra
    • DA Languages (Dals)
    • thebigword
    • Language Line
    • Global Language Solutions
    • Cintra
    • DA Languages (Dals)
    • thebigword
    • Language Line
    • Global Language Solutions
    • thebigword
    • DA Languages (Dals)
    • Language Line
Lot 4: British Sign Language (BSL) Lot 5: Video / Remote Lot 6: Managed Service
    •  thebigword
    • DA Languages (Dals)

Evidential video / remote

    • No suppliers qualified for this lot

Non-evidential video / remote

    • Language Line
    • thebigword
    • Language Line
    • Cintra
    • DA Languages (Dals)
    • thebigword
    • Language Line



Lot 1: Face to Face North East North West Yorkshire and The Humber Midlands East South East South West London Wales Scotland GB


DA Languages (Dals)






















Language Line



Lot 2: Translation / Transcription North East North West Yorkshire and The Humber Midlands East South East South West London Wales Scotland GB


DA Languages (Dals)






















Language Line




Lot 4: BSL North East North West Yorkshire and The Humber Midlands East South East South West London Wales Scotland GB


DA Languages (Dals)



Lot 6: Managed Services North East North West Yorkshire and The Humber Midlands East South East South West London Wales Scotland GB


DA Languages (Dals)










Language Line


Access the framework

For more information and to access the framework contact Mark Lewis.

Claire Wrightson

Head of Commercial Transformation 

Click here to send email

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