Emergency Services Show 2023
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Come and meet our team of commercial experts from our uniform, vehicles and social value categories, and learn more about BlueLight Commercial and what we can offer your organisation. We work with members across blue light services to transform their commercial and procurement activity, resulting in bottom-line improvements, delivering cost and time savings and a more sustainable future.
National collaboration and direction, delivered locally.
We will be located at stand E66 in Hall 4 opposite the Policing Theatre where suppliers, existing and potential, can also register for our updated free Social Value Tool.
The Emergency Services Show is the UK’s premier annual event for the blue light sector, attracting over 10,000 visitors from the police, ambulance, fire and rescue services.
Over two full days, it brings together professionals from across the emergency services sector to showcase cutting-edge technologies and operational solutions, share experiences and best practices, and unite in a collaborative approach to guaranteeing the safety and security of the public.
This September, The Emergency Tech Show is launching alongside The Emergency Services Show. This will be the UK’s largest showcase of emerging technologies and innovations that are driving change in emergency services.
We're delighted to announce that Lianne Deeming, CEO of BlueLight Commercial will be delivering a presentation in the Policing Theatre on Tuesday 19 at 15.40, on Sustainability in Police Procurement.
To book you free place, please visit The Emergency Services Show website and register!
We look forward to seeing you there.