Invitation to participate in Next Generation Procurement Physical Forensics Services Dynamic Purchasing System now live

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Forensic Capability Network, in collaboration with BlueLight Commercial and the Transforming Forensics Programme, are delighted to announce the publication of an invitation to participate in the creation of the Next Generation Procurement Physical Forensics Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), which will be in place for a seven year period.

This procurement will deliver a collaborative approach to next generation of forensics contracts for physical forensics services, providing a nationally standardised specification and terms & conditions to build a cohesive sustainable marketplace environment, where service delivery and capacity meet both the current and future needs of policing and the criminal justice system. This procurement will enable a balanced approach to stabilisation of the marketplace, whilst delivering value for money for policing, through embedding a culture of collaborative working and partnerships.

Suppliers are invited to view the DPS and Standard Selection Questionnaire on EU Supply here and submit documentation by 6th December. A supplier event is currently being planned for November giving suppliers the opportunity to gain a full understanding the process and requirements of the DPS.

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