Invitation to Suppliers of Scene of Crime Consumables
Friday, June 9, 2023
Bluelight Commercial are conducting early market engagement and supplier consultation on a future opportunity to supply Police Forces nationally with National Scenes of Crime (Forensic) Consumables (NSOCC). The intent of this activity is to invite suppliers to engage in consultation to inform the future procurement strategy.
This contract supports a national network of forensic specialists and other key stakeholders to ensure the right quality & technical standard of “consumables” are available and are used for forensic analysis to support crime detection.
The NSOCC include consumables and equipment used at a scene of crime, police laboratory or SARC unit or for Fire Investigation.
The following are high-level anticipated Equipment, Consumables and Chemicals requirements:
1) Consumables, equipment & chemicals for use by public authorities to support the investigation of crime, Police forensic laboratories, SARC units and Police Custody locations.
2) Medical, laboratory consumables and equipment
3) Ad-hoc requirements within the field of forensics consumables, products or equipment, chemicals
4) Assembly of specific kits such as; Forensic Medical Kits and Road Traffic Accident Kits.
If you are interested in participating and would like more information, please see the Prior Information Notice available on EU Supply BLC87 and complete and return the questionnaire by Monday 26 June 2023.
If you experience any issues accessing or using EU Supply Portal, please contact Charles Weatherhead.
Following this consultation, it is anticipated that the Notice – Call for Competition will be later in 2023 and a new framework will be awarded for the provision of forensic consumables by July 2024.