New Framework Agreement for the Purchase of Standard and Specialist Vehicles

Friday, December 16, 2022

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has awarded the new framework agreement for Purchase of Standard and Specialist Vehicles (RM6244) with a broad range of manufacturers appointed to deliver vehicles via the framework.

There are two emergency services specific lots:

  • Lot 4: Blue Light Cars and Motorcycles, including passenger cars, all terrain vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and quad bikes.
  • Lot 5: Blue Light Light and Medium Commercial Vehicles up to 7.5T, including emergency vehicles such as vans, car derived vans and pickups.

These lots give access to a range of suppliers for many vehicle types, with new options available.

With forces purchasing significant numbers of vehicles annually the increased range of options, and suppliers, will help towards the journey to net zero and contribute to sustainability goals.

Ian Westlake, Commercial Specialist, commented “The next generation of BlueLight Commercial Vehicle contracts will be awarded from this framework in 2023 and we are looking forward to working with the manufacturers that have been successful”.

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