Next Generation Fleet : Important Dates

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

BlueLight Commercial is keen to highlight a number of key activities that will be of interest to organisations aiming to supply vehicles to the Emergency Services sector.

Crown Commercial Service National Fleet Framework Launched

Crown Commercial Services has recently issued an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for a new National Fleet Framework which includes a lot for Emergency Services vehicles. BlueLight Commercial intends to use this framework for future national procurements and therefore, we are encouraging organisations to tender for this opportunity if you wish to supply to the sector in future. Details of this ITT can be found here.

Supplier Engagement Event – 5th May 2022    Hold the date!

BlueLight Commercial is delighted to announce that we will be holding a Supplier Engagement Event on 5th May 2022 at the British Motor Museum in Gaydon, Warwickshire. This event will particularly focus on the National Decarbonisation agenda and to understand manufacturers’ technology, innovation roadmap to meet these targets. Key speakers at the event will include the NPCC Chair Martin Hewitt QPM, Deputy Chief Constable Terry Woods QPM (National Lead for Police Driving) and Lianne Deeming, BlueLight Commercial CEO. Attendees will be able to hear first-hand the plans for the future of policing and how transport will play a key part in meeting the future challenges and opportunities. BlueLight Commercial will be sharing details of the sector’s sustainability programme together with our developing commercial policy and strategy with the aim to align strategies with the automotive industry and work collaboratively on future innovation. Other speakers will include colleagues from the Office of Zero Emissions Vehicles who will highlight the work across Government on both EV and Hydrogen and also NAPFM who will share details of the future activities related to Fleet Managers across the sector. In addition, we are looking to hold a series of individual 1-2-1 discussions with manufacturers to understand their technology roadmap to help shape our future commercial strategies. It would be particularly helpful if manufacturers’ design representatives were also able to attend to help inform the next generation vehicles applicable to Emergency Services.

Interested parties can register their interest in the event by emailing

Further details of the event, agenda, and how to secure 121 timing slots will be issued in the next few weeks.



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