Social Value Action Planning Tool: Enhanced Functionality

Friday, September 29, 2023

Our Social Value Action Planning Tool has been updated, with improved functionality and new information around key social value and sustainability themes:

  • Carbon reduction
  • Modern slavery and ethical practice
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Social contribution

The tool helps suppliers review the environmental, economic, and social impacts of their business and allows them to clearly identify where they are already having a positive social value impact and where they could do more. This tool helps suppliers to create a tailored social value action plan, which can be used to demonstrate to customers (including blue light services) how they are contributing to social value issues.

Crucially, our members across blue light organisations have access to individual dashboards for their suppliers, to review and measure the impact of their procurement activities.


Details for forces

Those with existing access to the tool have been emailed new login details directly from NETpositive on 26 September. Your existing dashboard will have been updated to include information relating to the new sections and questions. 

Click here to access the new dashboard

If you do not currently have access to the tool, and wish to take advantage of the benefits it will provide in monitoring and reporting the social value impact of your suppliers, you can request a login by emailing:

Guidance and support documents are available on our Learning Management System (LMS), along with a series of training sessions on how to effectively use the dashboard. Click here to view the useful resources.


Details for suppliers

We encourage all registered suppliers to login and complete the new sections, and update existing action plans. Suppliers who have not yet registered are able to signup using the link below.

Click here to login or register

Why register?

This tool is free of charge to existing and potential policing suppliers to develop and implement their own social value action plans.

Developing an action plan takes about 30-45 minutes and can be saved for future updating and reporting. The action planning process is simple to use and covers many key issues.

The tool will help you:

  • review the environmental, economic, and social impacts of your business;
  • clearly identify where you are already having a positive social value impact and where you could do potentially deliver more;
  • and create a tailored action plan for your business, demonstrating to customers how you are contributing to the social value issues we all care about.

Social value is important to all public sector bodies and will increasingly be asked about as part of the procurement process. By selecting the police forces and/or fire and rescue services you supply your action plan will be automatically shared with them.

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