Vehicle Convertor & Supply Chain Market Engagement Event

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Event to be held on 22 March 2024, 11am-3pm, Bedford (venue tbc) 

BlueLight Commercial is holding a workshop to engage with vehicle convertors and the associated supply chain within the Emergency Services Market. The event will also include some of our Emergency Service commercial and fleet colleagues and is suitable for any supplier working specifically with Vehicle Conversions either directly or as part of the supply chain.

During the event we will look to cover:

  • Current challenges suppliers & the supply chain are facing within the Emergency Services Market and how both BLC and Emergency services can assist & support moving forward
  • Understanding ongoing issues within the supply chain and any barrier we can / cannot look to overcome
  • What would you like the future to look like for Vehicle Convertors and the Emergency Services Sector
  • Discuss potential future commercial activity with vehicle conversions & the supply chain and how we can improve & shape any future competition(s)
  • Plus any specific topics of concern / conversation within this sector.

The event will be limited to 2 people per organisation, as spaces at the venue are limited.

If you would like to register your interest to attend please click here to complete the registration form by 8th March 2024, following this date venue details will be released.

If you have any questions please contact BlueLight Commercial Fleet Team at

We look forward to welcoming you at the event.

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