Responsible Procurement and Commissioning


As the national commercial organisation with a responsibility for the public purse we recognise our responsibility to procure and commission in a sustainable, ethical, and progressive way that delivers the best possible outcomes and value for money. We seek to adhere to the spirit as well as letter of national legislation and international goals. Our national organisation can influence our suppliers and harness their potential to benefit our local and wider communities.

Our Responsible Procurement and Commissioning Strategy provides a clear framework for procurement and commissioning activities and is aligned to contribute towards the wider national and sustainable development goals.  


The strategy is based on the key three themes of:

  • Improving supply chain diversity
  • Embedding fair and inclusive employment practises
  • Enabling skills, training and employment opportunities
  • Improving environmental sustainability
  • Promoting ethical sourcing practises
  • Maximising Social Value contributions through contracts procured



Responsible Procurement & Commissioning Strategy

The Responsible Procurement & Commissioning Strategy focuses on:

  • Key national priorities include Climate Emergency Decarbonisation, Modern Slavery, Exploitation and Ethical Supply, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), Social Value Delivery, Circular Economy (Waste)
  • Prioritising spend categories in terms of risk and potential for improvement or harm. For example in high-risk areas such as ICT, Manufacturing and Recruitment services.

Please contact Billie Heafield for a copy of the strategy.



We ensure all procurement activity is undertaken in line with The Public Contract Regulations 2015 in an open, transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate manner. We demonstrated the value we placed on ethical procurement through our processes and policies, with all staff CIPS ethics trained and tested. All employees undertake CIPS Corporate Ethical training so that we maintain our BlueLight Commercial Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) Corporate Ethics Mark. This gives suppliers, customers, employees and stakeholders confidence we are committed to ensuring we have adopted ethical values across how we source and manage suppliers.


Gifts & Hospitality

BlueLight Commercial's Anti-Bribery, Gifts and Hospitality Policy supports the Bribery Act 2010, maintaining the highest possible standards of business practise and advising individuals of BlueLight Commercial's 'zero-tolerance' to bribery and giving guidance on our gifts and hospitality policy.  A register of gifts and hospitality given and received by employees of the BlueLight Commercial is maintained.



Billie Heafield

Head of Category, Sustainability & Estates

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