Future Firefighter Concept

A research based project looking at fire service uniform and personal protective equipment (excluding respiratory protection), to ensure it is fit for purpose leading into 2030 and beyond.

The NFCC PPE and Clothing Committee are delighted to have obtained funding from the Home Office Commissioning Hub for the Future Firefighter Concept project.

This research will be undertaken by Defence Science Technology Laboratories (DSTL) in association with NFCC and look at a variety of challenges, issues and opportunities that face all Fire Service across the UK. There are two overarching principles to the research; firefighter safety and Inclusivity to promote and represent UK Fire services as diverse inclusive employers.


An insight into the project

At the Emergency Services Show in 2022 Brett Egan Briers, National Technical Lead for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), gave an incredibly informative Future Firefighter presentation.

The session included insight into the research project being conducted in conjunction with DSTL, which focuses on station wear and PPE (structural firefighting garments), to ensure that these meet the needs of our ever widening field of operations.

Brett also explained that ensuring firefighter safety continues to be a core requirement over the medium to long term, whilst looking at new innovative designs for a singular national uniform that demonstrate inclusivity; promoting recruitment and retention from our diverse communities. 

The research

Some of the items to be covered by the research will be; concern surrounding fire contaminants, the broadening remit of fire service response, the profile of incidents attended and new innovations and technologies that can be utilised.

End user feedback is essential to this project and conversations with fire services and other interest groups will be coordinated through the NFCC PPE and Clothing Committee who already have a good structure to support this. 

Working with industry

A key area for the research is to build a good understanding of the challenges, issues and innovations that face the supply network of uniforms and PPE garments. Recently we had an opportunity to brief the suppliers through their representative trade organisations of this new research project. Click here to view the presentation given to representatives from: FSF (Fire Sector Federation), BSIF (British Safety Industry Federation), FIA (Fire Industry Association), FRES (Fire & Rescue Equipment Services Council) and PCIAW (Professional Clothing Industry Association Worldwide).


NFCC communications

16 June 2022 - to ensure that all fire services were informed about the project NFCC Chair Mark Hardingham wrote to all Chiefs to outline the project and what to expect. Click here to read the letter.

8 August 2022 - Chair of the Committee, Steve Topham, wrote to regional representatives and single points of contacts to ensure they are informed and prepared for the initial phase of the project. Click here to read the letter.

Phase 1 report

NFCC are pleased to make available the Phase 1 report following agreement with partner DTSL. This report details the findings from consultation with end users and respective work associations/groups. Click here to download the report.


Useful downloads

NFCC Procurement Hub

The National Fire Chiefs Council Procurement Hub focuses on the £518m spending per year on goods and services from third party suppliers across fire and rescue services, ensuring essential innovation and quality is delivered in the most commercially viable and sustainable way, protecting the front line.

Visit the NFCC Procurement Hub