Emergency Response Vehicles

Framework and contract materials for Pumping Appliances, Aerials and Special Vehicles

The NFCC Framework Agreement for Emergency Response Vehicles (Pumping Appliances, Aerials and Special Vehicles) was led by the procurement team at Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, supported by Avon Fire & Rescue Service and Essex Fire & Rescue Service and on behalf of the NFCC Transport Officers Group (TOG). 

The framework establishes an ‘umbrella agreement’ with a number of capable suppliers that have been awarded a place on the framework, and it sets out the terms under which individual purchases (‘further competitions’ or ‘call-offs’) can be made throughout the period of the agreement.


Key benefits

  • Compliant route to market, developed specifically for, and by, the fire sector, with extensive knowledge of the market and customers
  • Additional build capacity and increased competition through the introduction of new suppliers
  • Sector-wide visibility of planned procurement dates, enabling FRS to identify potential collaboration opportunities and also help suppliers prepare to respond and thereby increase competition 
  • Common requirements set through the Framework Agreement (led by NFCC TOG) with the ability for FRSs to customise to meet their specific needs


  • Standard minimum warranty requirements established
  • Rebate free framework (i.e. no charge for FRSs to access the framework and no levy/rebate paid to the Framework owners by the Suppliers on the framework)
  • Social Value & Environmental obligations placed on Suppliers at Framework level (e.g. Apprenticeships, School Engagement, Waste Targets, Carbon Reduction Targets)
  • Improved further competition/call-off templates for simplification and consistency in procurement approach for suppliers and FRSs

Scope of contract

This NFCC Framework Agreement for Emergency Response Vehicles (Pumping Appliances, Aerials and Special Vehicles) was led by the procurement team at Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, supported by Avon Fire & Rescue Service and Essex Fire & Rescue Service and on behalf of the NFCC Transport Officers Group (TOG). 

It is split into 5 lots outlined in the table below and provides a comprehensive ability for customers to purchase vehicles at a significant discount. 

The lot summaries are detailed below:

  • Lot 1 - Light Pumping Appliance
  • Lot 2 - Medium Pumping Appliance
  • Lot 3 - Super Pumping Appliances


  • Lot 4 - Aerial Appliances
  • Lot 5 - Special Vehicles

Contract details

Contract title:      Purchase of Emergency Response Vehicles

Reference:           DS339-20


Contract term:     01/04/2022 to 31/03/2026


Supplier details

Angloco Ltd
Rob Dickson, Bid Coordinator
T: 01924 441212
E: sales@angloco.co.uk

Babcock Vehicle Engineering Ltd
Alan Carr, Bid Manager
T: 07801 773674
E: Alan.carr2@babcockinternational.com

Emergency One (UK) Ltd
Mike Madsen, Managing Director
T: 01290 424200 / 07712 875165
E: mike@emergencyone.co.uk

Rosenbauer UK Ltd
Nick Uwins, Managing Director
T: 01484 854134 / 07720 826203
E: nick.uwins@rosenbauer.com

Terberg DTS (UK) Ltd
Alex Bull, Operations Manager Fire Vehicles and Equipment UK
T: 01422 257100
E: tenders@terbergdts.co.uk

North Fire Engineering
Oliver North
T: 01422 303439
E: oliver@north-fire.com

W H Bence (Coachworks) Limited
Denise Taljaard, Sales Executive
T: 01454 310909
E: denise@whbence.co.uk


Lot Lot Description Suppliers
1 - Light Pumping Appliance Vehicle size: GVW 3t and ≤ 7.5t
  • Angloco Ltd
  • Emergency One (UK) Ltd
  • Rosenbauer UK Ltd
  • Terberg DTS (UK) Ltd
  • North Fire Engineering
  • W H Bence (Coachworks) Ltd
2 - Medium Pumping Appliance Vehicle size: GVW of more than 7.5t and ≤ 16t
  • Angloco Ltd
  • Emergency One (UK) Ltd
  • Rosenbauer UK Ltd
  • North Fire Engineering
  • W H Bence (Coachworks) Ltd
3 - Super Pumping Appliances Vehicle size: GVW of more than 16t
  • Angloco Ltd
  • Emergency One (UK) Ltd
  • Rosenbauer UK Ltd
  • North Fire Engineering
  • W H Bence (Coachworks) Ltd
4 - Aerial Appliances All types of Aerial appliances within the scope of EN 14043, 14044 and 1777 (hydraulic platforms and turntable ladders)
  • Angloco Ltd
  • Emergency One (UK) Ltd
  • Rosenbauer UK Ltd
  • North Fire Engineering
5 - Special Vehicles

All Special Vehicles above 5t with the exception of:

  • Command and Control Vehicles (due to the level of communications and ICT equipment and the specialist suppliers that are able to supply these types of vehicles i.e. suppliers outside of the ‘core’ Fire Appliance Manufacturers) 
  • Prime Movers where only the base vehicle and/or hook lift conversion is required. Prime Movers including demountable pods when bought with or without a vehicle are within scope of the Framework Agreement.
  • Angloco Ltd
  • Babcock Vehicle Engineering Ltd
  • Emergency One (UK) Ltd
  • Rosenbauer UK Ltd
  • Terberg DTS (UK) Ltd
  • North Fire Engineering
  • W H Bence (Coachworks) Ltd


Framework documentation


Meet the fleet team

Luke Malton

Fleet Category Lead

Luke Malton joined Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service (DSFRS) in January 2009. This was Luke’s first role in the public sector and prior to this Luke worked for Npower and Accenture. During Luke’s time working within fire he has had various secondments including;

  • Programme Manager on a full-time basis for the setting up of the NFCC Fire Commercial Transformation Programme working closely with Ann Millington, Chief Executive, Kent FRS as the Programme Sponsor.
  • Procurement lead to establish the Fire & Rescue Indemnity Company (FRIC) and manage the collaborative procurements required for what was then 9 FRSs (now growing in membership each year) to establish a mutual for managing risk & insurance for its members.

Luke has been involved in the NFCC Fire Commercial Transformation Programme since its inception in 2016, and is now the Corporate Procurement Manager at DSFRS managing the Procurement and Supplies Teams and is the Fleet Commercial Lead for the NFCC Fire Commercial Transformation Programme working with CFO Steve Helps of Durham and Darlington (Fleet Category Sponsor). Luke currently has a lead role in the replacement Emergency Response Vehicle Framework on behalf of the Sector.

Luke is married with three children and enjoys various sports including football, golf (when he has time!) and water sports. Luke also volunteers for the local youth football club, coaching one of the squads and he is also the Football Club Secretary.

Steve Helps

Chief Fire Officer of County Durham and Darlington Fire & Rescue Service

Steve Helps is the Chief Fire Officer of County Durham and Darlington Fire & Rescue Service, taking up the position on 12 January 2023.  Steve joined County Durham and Darlington Fire & Rescue Service on 1 June 2020 as Deputy Chief Fire Officer, responsible for service delivery. Steve is an experienced fire officer and leader, he brings a strong community focus to the Service, recognising the unique position of trust and respect in which the Fire and Rescue Service is held, he has used this and the professionalism of County Durham and Darlington Fire & Rescue Service staff to tackle the real underlying factors which affect risk, resulting in the service being recognised as highly productive and one of the safest places to live, work and visit.

Having originally joined Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service (FRS) in 1992 as an on-call firefighter, Steve then moved to Leicestershire FRS in 1994, before returning to Derbyshire FRS in 1998 where he undertook roles as station command, head of training, head of prevention and inclusion and as an inspecting officer.

Steve joined South Yorkshire FRS in 2014 as head of emergency response. He went on to lead the service’s community and business fire safety teams and spearheaded the creation of a joint community safety team with South Yorkshire Police. He also acted as Assistant Chief Fire Officer and head of service delivery.

Steve has a Master’s degree in Business from Lincoln University, along with a BSc Hons Degree from the University of Central Lancaster. Steve has completed the Executive Leadership Program through Warwick University and holds the Members qualification within the Institute of Fire Engineers.

Steve chairs the Local Resilience Forum for County Durham and Darlington, and on behalf of the National Fire Chiefs Council is the strategic lead for High Volume Pumps and Flood response, along with being the sponsor for the national procurement work stream for fleet.

NFCC Procurement Hub

The National Fire Chiefs Council Procurement Hub focuses on the £518m spending per year on goods and services from third party suppliers across fire and rescue services, ensuring essential innovation and quality is delivered in the most commercially viable and sustainable way, protecting the front line.

Visit the NFCC Procurement Hub